Status Levels
Order Status Levels
- On Hold - Order that has not started, and should be excluded from auto-starting (if enabled)
- Ready - Order that has not started, and will be included in auto-starting (if enabled)
- Paused - Places an Order that has started on Pause, but keeps it available to start again
- Completed - Marks an Order as fulfilled. If EnabledAutoOrderSwitching is set to true, the next available Order with Ready status will start
- Sent to ERP - All Order production information, including any created Pallets and Items have been sent to the ERP system
- Send to QC - All Order production information, including any created Pallets and Items have been sent to Quality Control for further examination, and will be excluded from any ERP sends
Pallet Status Levels
- Ready - Pallet has been created, and available for Items to be stacked on
- Printed - Pallet Label has been printed and applied
- Verified - Pallet Label has been scanned, read, and verified for accuracy
- Completed - Pallet has been filled, and waiting to be sent to ERP system
- Sent to QC - Pallet and all stacked Items have been sent to QC for further inspection
- Sent to ERP - Pallet and all stacked Items have been sent to the ERP system as new inventory
Item Status Levels
- Ready - Item has been created, but has no label
- Printed - Item Label has been printed and applied
- Verified - Item Label has been scanned, read, and verified for accuracy
- Completed - Item is completed, and waiting to be sent to ERP system
- Sent to QC - Item has been sent to QC for further inspection
- Sent to ERP - Item has been sent to the ERP system as new inventory